The first of the PI Bolg tales (I have at present 5 either finished or partially so), a novella (somewhere between a 1/3 and a 1/5 of a novel) Bolg PI: The Vampire Bride, is now up on Kindle. They’ll form a sort of picaresque story.
Bolg may not be everyone’s noir PI hero. He’s not politically correct and not suitably nasty. He’s 4’6″ and vertically challenging. Oh yeah, he’s blue – from tattooing, which back when he was born, was the cultural norm. He’s Pict, and just hasn’t got around to dying, but that’s the only paranormal feature of the man. However his height and color (and centuries of experience) get him involved in paranormal cases. That… and his sidekick, Fintan mac Bochra. Who is either a physicist or a magician and probably both.
If you’re interested in buying it, click on the picture and I get a few extra cents from Amazon associates. I’m saving up to buy a pony, or at least to get enough in my associates account to get paid (I live in furrin parts, where Amazon will only send checks – and only for over 100 dollars. At present rates I should get a nice little 100 dollar nest egg from the associates programme in 2030 :-))
Also up from Naked Reader are two more of my older shorts