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Book stuff


Finally at least the e-book is available Cloud-Castles (the highlighted text is a link, via my affiliates account, so I do get a few extra cents on this if you go via it). I am working on the paperback cover, and that will hopefully soon be available. It has been a long hard couple of … Continue reading »

Categories: Books | 2 Comments

Newsletter Mailing list

This should get you added to my mailing list

Categories: Books | 1 Comment

Changeling’s Island E-Arc

Is available from Baen

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Countdown Special – Crawlspace and other stories.

will be on a countdown special – discounted from $4.99 to 99 cents at 8 AM Amazon time (I think that’s Seattle) and increasing in one cent increments over the next four days. Get it now while it is cheap! Two Rats Bats and Vats stories (a novella, and a novelette) another great ‘Pirates of … Continue reading »

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The Byres and Ig etc

I have succeeded in my attempts to get Stardogs onto Smashwords. Meaning it is available from Byre and Ig, Apple Kobo etc. In a celebration Red Fiddler is free for the next day or so. Get in quick. 🙂

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Stardogs, my first independent new release (I have put up A Mankind Witch and Morningstar when their rights reverted is now available on Amazon. In the next few days I will be getting it onto Smashwords (which means B&N, Apple etc) and createspace (for those who want paper copies will follow). If you want to … Continue reading »

Categories: Books | 17 Comments

For anyone who wants to write Military sf – or Fantasy involving war

My reading recommendation is up on the Baen podcast. is one reprint – the cheapest. All ofthe reprints apparently suffer from average quality. this one is available in Kindle GOD DOES NOT FORGET: The Story of a Boer War Commando by: Deneys Reitz “One of the greatest war books ever written.” “A vivid, unforgettable picture … Continue reading »

Categories: Books | 1 Comment

Free story in Heirs of Alexandria Universe

THE KRUMHORN AND MISERICORDE A longish short story, concerning the back history of a character who has appeared in a number of the books and in the new one (BURDENS OF THE DEAD, Due out on the 4th of June from Baen Books) takes a major role. It is set in the Heirs of Alexandria … Continue reading »

Categories: Books | 5 Comments

Save the Dragons page

Hopefully the page for the e-book is now up and you can follow the links.

Categories: Books | 2 Comments

The Forlorn – mine

The Forlorn was the first book I actually sold to a traditional publishing house. Out of the about 3000 sluch submissions that year, they bought one… This one. It was the second book up on the Baen Free Library, and many people have read it, but as the rights have now returned to me, and … Continue reading »

Categories: Books | 1 Comment