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Author Archives: davefreer_mnk3y

News -Burdens of the DEAD

Ok so – my comment about not telling authors reached someone with the lights switched on upstairs 🙂 (Yes, I am always complimentary. Never ever sarcastic. Me? I am shocked. And also grateful.) BURDENS OF THE DEAD, by Freer, Flint and Lackey will be in bookstores and available online June 4, 2013. The picture is a … Continue reading »

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Dog and Dragon, Paperback

I believe – no one tells authors these things, what do they have to do with their books? and of what possible interest could it be to their readers and followers, after all? – that the Paperback launch of DOG & DRAGON was today. I believe Barnes and Noble and Simon and Schuster (who do … Continue reading »

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Cover Reveal for Steam Mole

Amazon link for the sequel to Cuttlefish

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Forrest: de-tails

I have a tail. A fluffy green and pink tail. It’s not just stuck onto me. It’s part of me. I found out, the hard way. I thought it was just another one of their pranks that they think are so clever. I suppose running all the way back to that flea-hovel they call home … Continue reading »

Categories: Books | 2 Comments

Celebration free e-book (short)

To help me to pat myself on the back about finishing the first draft of STEAM MOLE last night… well very early this morning… will available as freebie for… well from the 27th I think. Go look.

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Free shorts etc.

Okay Dahlings. Dog & Dragon is out I think (don’t ask me for certainty. It seems the best publisher’s marketing strategy would be to let the author watch Amazon to find out release dates and things. Otherwise… they might tell people they could buy it, and that might send customers along and money might be … Continue reading »

Categories: Books | 1 Comment

Crawlspace free book

Crawlspace the novella I did with Eric Flint in the RATS BATS & VATS universe is up as a freebie for the next five days. Download it and help me up the rankings 🙂

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Bolg and others

The first of the PI Bolg tales (I have at present 5 either finished or partially so), a novella (somewhere between a 1/3 and a 1/5 of a novel) Bolg PI: The Vampire Bride, is now up on Kindle. They’ll form a sort of picaresque story. Bolg may not be everyone’s noir PI hero. He’s … Continue reading »

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Dog and Dragon ARC reviews :-)

here and here

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Cuttlefish is up on Amazon

Please tell me what you think of Paul Young’s artwork

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